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Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, E. Paglia, and A. Giglio. "An HLA-based BPMN extension for the specification of business process collaborations." In Proceedings - 2017 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, DS-RT 2017. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "Modeling Resources to Simulate Business Process Reliability." ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 30 (2020).
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "BPMN-Based Business Process Modeling and Simulation." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference., 2019.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "Model-Driven Distributed Simulation Engineering." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference., 2019.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D’Ambrogio, A. Falcone, A. Garro, and A. Giglio. "A model-driven approach to enable the simulation of complex systems on distributed architectures." Simulation 95 (2019): 1185-1211.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "Automated generation of FOM modules for HLA-based distributed simulations." In 2019 Spring Simulation Conference, SpringSim 2019., 2019.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D’Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "A microservice-based approach for fine-grained simulation in msaas platforms." In Simulation Series., 2019.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D’Ambrogio, E. Paglia, and A. Giglio. "A service-in-the-loop approach for business process simulation based on microservices." In Simulation Series., 2018.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, E. Paglia, and A. Giglio. "On the performance prediction capabilities of the eBPMN-based model-driven method for business process simulation." In CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2018.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D’Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "Model transformation services for MSAAS platforms." In Simulation Series., 2018.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, and U. Durak. "ArTIC-MS: An Architecture for Tosca-Based Inter-Cloud Modeling and Simulation." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference., 2020.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D'Ambrogio, U. Durak, and T. Panetti. "Rethinking Simulation Engineering Process for MSaaS." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE., 2020.
