International Symposium on
Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering

part of SpringSim 2018
April 15-18, 2018 - Baltimore, MD (USA)
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Call for Papers

The symposium aims to bring together experts in model-based, model-driven software and systems engineering from embedded, cyber-physical and software intensive systems domains with experts in simulation, with the objective to advance the state of the art in modeling and simulation-based systems engineering and model-based simulation engineering.

System architecture models describe the structure of a system by specifying its components and their relations. Model-driven approaches allows for a higher abstraction in model specifications and the automated generation of models and executable software artefacts, through meta-models and model transformations, respectively.

Modeling and Simulation-Based Systems Engineering redefines simulation as execution of system architecture models for generating the system behavior. It promotes simulation experimentation for design space exploration, performance and behavior prediction, evaluation of alternatives, or sensitivity analysis. It encourages model continuity and apprises model transformations and code generation as the development practice.

Model-based Simulation Engineering claims that simulations, just as other software systems, can similarly benefit from model-driven approaches. It endorses the utilization of metamodeling and model transformations in the simulation life cycle to enhance simulation quality and reduce costs, development effort, and time-to-market.

We invite and encourage researchers and practitioners of model-based simulation engineering and modeling and simulation-based systems engineering to publish and share their contributions at the symposium.

A partial list of topics of interest includes:

  • model-driven approaches in simulation engineering
  • model-based design
  • x-in-the-loop testing
  • model-based testing
  • rapid control prototyping
  • functional mock-up interface (FMI) and co-simulation for systems development
  • executable UML
  • SysML and executable architectures
  • requirements modeling and simulation
  • domain specific languages
  • metamodeling
  • model transformations
  • code generation for emerging target platforms
  • M&S-based engineering of IoT and CPS
  • M&S-based engineering of Smart Cities
  • M&S-based engineering for Industry 4.0
  • M&S-based design of autonomy features
  • model-based engineering of distributed simulation systems
  • ontologies for metamodeling
  • model-driven technologies for different simulation paradigms (discrete event simulation, multi agent simulation, sketch-based simulation, etc.)
  • model-driven methods and tools for performance engineering of simulation systems
  • model-driven technologies for simulation modernization
  • model-driven technologies for data collection and analysis
  • model-driven technologies for simulation visualization
  • model-driven technologies for simulation verification and validation
  • model continuity

To stimulate creativity, however, the symposium maintains a wider scope and welcomes all contributions offering original perspectives on model-driven simulation engineering and simulation-based systems engineering.

Submission deadline extended to
January 8th (firm)!