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Conference Paper
Bocciarelli, P., Andrea D'Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and D. Gianni. "A SaaS-based automated framework to build and execute distributed simulations from SysML models." In Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference - Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, WSC 2013, 1371-1382., 2013.
Durak, U., A. D’Ambrogio, and P. Bocciarelli. "Safety-critical simulation engineering." In 2020 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, SummerSim 2020., 2020.
Martin, J.L.R., Nicolescu G., D'Ambrogio A., De Rango F., and Risco Martin J.L.. "SCSC chairs message." In Simulation Series. The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2016.
Filippi, M., Andrea D'Ambrogio, and M. Lisi. "A service Systems Engineering framework with application to performance based logistics." In 1st IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, ISSE 2015 - Proceedings, 311-317. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015.
Bocciarelli, P., A. D’Ambrogio, E. Paglia, and A. Giglio. "A service-in-the-loop approach for business process simulation based on microservices." In Simulation Series., 2018.
D'Ambrogio, Andrea, and Umut Durak. "Setting systems and simulation life cycle processes side by side." In ISSE 2016 - 2016 International Symposium on Systems Engineering - Proceedings Papers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016.
D'Ambrogio, Andrea, D. Gianni, and G. Iazeolla. "SimJ: A framework to develop distributed simulators." In Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2006, SCSC'06, Part of the 2006 Summer Simulation Multiconference, SummerSim'06, 149-156., 2006.
Bocciarelli, P., Andrea D'Ambrogio, A. Giglio, and E. Paglia. "Simulation-based performance and reliability analysis of business processes." In Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, edited by , 3012-3023. Vol. 2015-January. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015.
D'Ambrogio, Andrea, D. Gianni, and G. Iazeolla. "Software technologies for the interoperability and reusability of distributed simulators." In SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007, EURO SIW 2007, 210-219., 2007.