2nd International Track on
Collaborative Modeling & Simulation - CoMetS'11

20th IEEE International Conference on
Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructures
June 27 - June 29, 2011, Paris (France)

Invited Talk

Collaborative Modeling and Simulation: the Virtual Physiological Human vision

Marco Viceconti

Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Bologna, ITALY

The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) is an international research initiative, which aims to develop a framework of methods and technologies enabling an integrative investigation of the human physiology and pathology. The term integrative indicates the need to overcome the limitations of the reductionist approach, attempting to capture the emergences due to systemic interaction between space-time scales, organ systems, but also academic disciplines. In this brief presentation of the VPH initiative and of its early results we argue that the VPH is first and foremost an attempt to develop an effective environment for collaborative modeling and simulation.


Prof. Viceconti Short bio:

Marco Viceconti (M’97) holds a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the University of Bologna and a PhD from the University of Firenze. After a period at the University of Wisconsin Madison, since 1990 he has been working at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, in Bologna, Italy, where he is Technical Director of the Medical Technology Lab, and Director of the Computational Bioengineering Lab, part of the recently established Bologna Technopole. He is also contract professor of computational biomechanics at the University of Bologna, and Scientific advisor of the BioComputing Competence Centre, also located in Bologna. His main research interests are related to the development and validation of medical technology, especially that involving simulation. In his career he published over 200 papers, 160 of which are indexed in Medline, and serves are reviewer for many international funding agencies and peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Viceconti is internationally recognised as one of the key figures in the emerging Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) community. Co-author of the first white paper on VPH, coordinator of the STEP action that compiled the seminal VPH research roadmap, animator of the World Integrative Research Initiative (WIRI), “VPH Ambassador” for the VPH Network of Excellence, coordinator of one the three VPH integrated projects (VPHOP), he is currently chairing the Board of Directors of the forming European VPH institute.

Last Update August 20th, 2011

Presentations available through the program page